
The collector replaced all ${VAR_NAME} variables with the actual values during the execution.

You can use variables in the following places:

  1. All string values (including lists) in the actions section
  2. All string values in the custom_command section of the launch_conditions section


  - name: memory_dump
    type: binary
      path: "winpmem_mini_${ARCH}.exe"
      args: ["${LOOT_DIR}\\${DEVICE_NAME}.dmp"]

Available Variables

Variable NameDescriptionExample
BASE_PATHThe base path where the application stores its data.E:/collector/
DEVICE_NAMEThe name of the device.DESKTOP-1234
USER_HOMEThe path to the user's home directory.C:/Users/JohnDoe
USER_NAMEThe name of the user.JohnDoe
LOOT_DIRThe path to the loot directory.E:/collector/reports/[NAME]/loot_files/
CUSTOM_FILES_DIRThe path to the custom files directory.E:/collector/custom_files/
OSThe operating
ARCHThe architecture.x86_64