
IR-Toolkit is a portable framework to automate your scripts and tools using workflows. It is designed to assist incident responders and digital forensic analysts in data aquisition.



Download the latest release

Download the latest release from the releases page and extract the contents.

You can store the toolkit on a USB drive or network share. The directory structure has to be preserved!


1. Define your workflows

Workflows are defined in the /workflows directory. You can use the provided examples as a starting point.

└── workflows/
    ├── workflow1.yaml
    └── workflow2.yaml

You can also structure your workflows in subdirectories. The toolkit will recursively search for workflows in the /workflows directory.

See the workflow chapter for more information on how to define workflows.

2. Use custom tools

Tools like Autoruns or FTK Imager can be placed in the custom_files directory. Within the workflow, you can run these tools by specifying the relative path to the executable.

For example, if you have custom_files/windows_tools/autorunsc.exe, you can use the following action in your workflow:

- name: autorunsc
  type: binary
    path: "windows_tools/autorunsc.exe"

Note: You can use both \\ and / as path separators.

3. Configure the toolkit

The configuration file config.yaml is located in the root directory of the toolkit. The settings apply to all workflows. You can adjust the following settings:

  ## The time zone to use for the timestamps in the report.
  ## e.g. "UTC", "Europe/Berlin", "Etc/GMT+2" or "UTC"
  ## For a list of time zones see:
  time_zone: "UTC"

  ## Enable NTP time to ensure that the system time is correct.
  ## WARNING: Enabling NTP time will delay the start of the workflow
  ## According to Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) in Germany,
  ##   changing the system time itself, e.g. to cover tracks, can be an incident
  ##   to be verified, both the hardware-based time from the RTC and the system
  ##   time must be recorded and compared with one from an independent time source.
  ## See:
  ntp_enabled: false
  ## Time in seconds to wait for an NTP server to respond.
  ## If the NTP server does not respond within this time,
  ##   the next server in ntp_servers will be tried.
  ## If set to 0, no timeout is used.
  ntp_timeout: 2
  ntp_servers: ["", ""]

## If set to true, the collector will attempt to elevate its privileges
## If set to false, the collector will run with the privileges of the user executing it
elevate: false

4. (Optional) Generate a new public/private key pair

If you want authenticated encryption for the report, you can generate a new public/private key pair using the keygen tool, which is located in the bin directory.

[keygen-binary].exe --private private_key.pem --public public_key.pem --size 2048

Move the public key to the /keys directory and reference it in the workflow.

    enabled: true
      enabled: true
      public_key: "example_public.pem"
      algorithm: CHACHA20-POLY1305

Warning: Do not put the private key in the toolkit directory. Keep it in a secure location.

The encrypted report can be decrypted using the unpacker tool, which is also located in the bin directory.

See the report chapter for more information on how to generate and locate the report.


Execute the collector

The collector is compiled for different operating systems and architectures. Each version is located in the bin directory. To make the execution easier, you can use the run.ps1 script on Windows or the script on Linux/macOS. The scripts will automatically execute the collector for the current operating system.

├── run.ps1
└── bin/
    ├── windows/
    │   ├── keygen-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.exe
    │   ├── unpacker-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.exe
    │   └── collector-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.exe
    ├── linux/...
    └── macos/...

The collector will then search for all definied workflow files. Each workflow that meets the launch condition for the current system will be executed.



Each workflow creates one report. You can specify the report format in the workflow configuration. This includes:

  • Enabling or disabling the ZIP compression
  • Enabling or disabling the encryption
  • Specifying the encryption algorithm
  • Metadata to collect (MAC times, checksums)

The console output of the collector is seperate from the reports and is stored in the /reports directory as a .log file.

Report structure

The report is structured as follows:

└── MYPC_Windows_Example_2024-08-12_13-45-20/
    ├── action_output/...
    ├── loot_files/...
    ├── store_files/...
    └── metadata.csv
  • action_output/: Contains the output of each action in the workflow (for example stdout and stderr).
  • loot_files/: Contains all files you placed there manually during the workflow. This should be the output directory for your disk images or memory dumps.
  • store_files/: Contains all files that were stored using the store or yara action. Filenames are replaced with their SHA256 hash.
  • metadata.csv: Contains the metadata of all files in the store_files directory. The metadata includes the SHA256 hash, the file path, the file size, and the MAC times (modified, accessed, created), etc.

If the report is encrypted, everything inside the report directory is archived in a file. The encryption.json file contains the encryption algorithm and the (encrypted) symmetric key:

└── MYPC_Windows_Example_2024-08-12_13-45-20/
    └── encryption.json

1. Locate the generated report

The generated report is located in the /reports directory.

2. Unpacking/Decrypion

The unpacker tool, which is located in the bin directory, automatically detects if the report was encrypted or archived.

Run the unpacker tool with the --help flag to see the available options.

2.1. Unpacking a report without encryption or compression

[unpacker-binary].exe -i reports/MYPC_Example_2024-08-12_13-45-20 --restore --verify

This will do the following:

  1. All stored files (using the store or yara action) will be restored by recreating the original file structure in the report directory. This does not apply to files that w
  2. The integrity of all files in the store_files directory will be verified using the metadata in the metadata.csv file.

2.2. Unpacking a report with compression and encryption

[unpacker-binary].exe -i reports/MYPC_Example_2024-08-12_13-45-20 -k key/private_key.pem --restore --verify

This will do the following:

  1. The will be decrypted using the private key specified with the -k flag. The process will fail if the file was tampered with or the key is incorrect.
  2. The file will be extracted to the report directory.
  3. All stored files (using the store or yara action) will be restored by recreating the original file structure in the report directory.
  4. The integrity of all files in the store_files directory will be verified using the metadata in the metadata.csv file.

How does a workflow work?

A workflow is a set of actions that are executed in a specific order. It is structured as follows:

# workflows/example.yaml

# Name, description, and author of the workflow

# Conditions that must be met for the workflow to be executed

# Definition and configuration of the actions that are used in the next section

# The order in which the actions are executed, error handling and timeouts

# Use of ZIP compression, encryption, and metadata collection


Creating a workflow

In the following pages, you will learn how to create a workflow. See the examples chapter for some examples.


  title: "Linux Example"
  version: "1.0"
  description: "This is an example configuration file for Linux"
  author: "John Doe"
titleThe title of the workflow.Yes-
versionThe version of the workflow.Yes-
descriptionA short description of the workflow.No-
authorThe author of the workflow.No-
?You can add additional properties to the workflow configuration with string values.No-

Launch Conditions

  os: ["windows"]
  enabled: false
  arch: ["x86", "x86_64", "aarch64", "arm"]
  is_elevated: false
    cmd: "cmd"
    args: ["/c", "dir", "${USER_HOME}"]
    contains_any: ["Downloads", "Documents"]
osThe operating system(s) the workflow can be executed on. Available values: windows, linux, macos.Yes-
enabledCan be used to disable a workflow. false will prevent the workflow from being executed, even if all other conditions are met.Notrue
archThe architecture(s) the workflow can be executed on. Available values: x86, x86_64, aarch64, arm.No["x86", "x86_64", "aarch64", "arm"]
is_elevatedIf set to true, the workflow will only be executed if the user has elevated privileges. If set to false, it is not necessary to have elevated privileges.Nofalse
custom_commandAllows the execution of a custom command. The command is executed in the shell of the operating system.No-

Custom Commands

This condition allows the execution of a custom command. The following properties are available:

cmdThe command to be executed.Yes-
argsThe arguments for the command.No-
contains_anyThe condition is met if at least one of the specified strings is found in the output of the command.No-
contains_allThe condition is met if all of the specified strings are found in the output of the command.No-
contains_regexThe condition is met if the regular expression is found in the output of the command.No-

You must specify at least one of the properties contains_any, contains_all, or contains_regex.

If you specify for example contains_any: ["abc", "def"] and contains_all: ["ghi", "jkl"], the condition is met if both contains_any and contains_all are true.


You can define all actions and use them in the next chapter. The defined actions are not executed until they are used in the workflow.

  - name: whoami
    type: command
      cmd: "cmd"
      args: ["/c", "whoami"]
      log_to_file: true

  - name: executables
    type: store
      case_sensitive: false
      patterns: |
      size_limit: 10 GB

  - name: memory_dump
    type: binary
      path: "winpmem_mini_${ARCH}.exe"
      args: ["${LOOT_DIR}\\${DEVICE_NAME}.dmp"]
      log_to_file: true

The variables ${USER_HOME}, ${LOOT_DIR}, ${DEVICE_NAME}, and ${ARCH} are replaced with the actual values during the execution of the collector. See the variables section for more information.

Available Actions

Action TypeDescription
commandExecute a command
binaryExecutes a binary. The path is relative to the custom_files directory. But you can also use absolute paths.
storeStore files that match a pattern. The pattern can be a glob pattern or a regular expression. See glob for more information.
yaraStore files that match a YARA rule. You might place them in the custom_files directory. The files to scan do also use glob patterns.
terminalOpen a terminal window to execute arbitrary commands. A transcript of the terminal session is stored in the action_output directory of the report.

Hint: For glob patterns, path separators (/ and \\) are valid on all operating systems.

1. Command

cmdThe command to be executed.Yes-
argsThe arguments for the command.No[]
cwdThe working directory from which the command is executed.No"" (empty string)
log_to_fileIf set to true, the output of the command will be logged to a file.Notrue


  - name: disable_network
    type: command
      cmd: "sh"
      args: ["-c", "ip link set $(ip route get | awk '{print $5; exit}') down"]
      log_to_file: true

2. Binary

pathThe path to the binary file to be executed.Yes-
argsThe arguments for the binary file.No[]
log_to_fileIf set to true, the output of the binary execution will be logged to a file.Notrue


  - name: memory_dump
    type: binary
      path: "dumpitforlinux"
      args: ["-v", "${LOOT_DIR}/${DEVICE_NAME}.dmp"]
      log_to_file: true

3. Store

case_sensitiveIf set to true, the pattern matching will be case-sensitive.Notrue
patternsThe file patterns or paths to be matched and stored. Multiple patterns can be specified using new lines.Yes-
size_limitThe size limit for the files to be stored. The value should be specified in bytes.NoUnlimited


  - name: browser
    type: store
      case_sensitive: false
      patterns: |
      size_limit: 5 GB

4. Terminal

shellThe shell to be used for executing the command.NoWill use the default shell of the operating system.
waitIf set to true, the workflow will wait for the terminal to be closed.Nofalse
separate_windowIf set to true, a terminal window will be opened. If set to false, an interactive shell will be opened in the current terminal.Notrue
enable_transcriptIf set to true, the output of the terminal will be captured and stored. This uses the script command on Linux and macOS and the Start-Transcript cmdlet on Windows.Notrue


  • On Windows the conhost process will be opened in a separate window.
  • On macOS the will be opened in a separate window.
  • On Linux a list of known terminal apps will be checked and the first one found will be used. If no known terminal app is found, the default shell will be used and the separate_window property will be ignored.

There are some limitations when using the terminal action:

  • If the wait property is true, then separate_window must also be set to true.
  • If the wait property is false, then enable_transcript must also be set to false. This is because the workflow might have already finishes when the transcript file will be saved.


  - name: terminal
    type: terminal
      shell: "bash"
      wait: true
      separate_window: true
      enable_transcript: true

5. Yara

rules_pathsThe path to the Yara rules file(s). Multiple paths can be specified using new lines. The paths are relative to the custom_files directory.Yes-
files_to_scanThe files or directories to be scanned. Multiple paths can be specified using new lines.Yes-
store_on_matchIf set to true, any matches found will be stored.Notrue
num_threadsThe number of threads to be used for the scan.No1
scan_timeoutThe maximum time allowed for the scan, in seconds.No60


  - name: pdf_files
    type: yara
      rules_paths: |
      files_to_scan: |
      store_on_match: true
      scan_timeout: 4s


  - action: disable_network
  - action: memory_dump
    timeout: 10m
    on_error: abort
  - action: activities
      goto: browser
  - action: disk_image
    timeout: 10s
  - action: browser

The workflow section defines the order in which the actions are executed. Each action is defined by its name and can have additional properties like timeout and on_error.

Hint: All actions must be defined in the actions section.

Action Properties

actionThe name of the action to be executed.Yes-
timeoutThe maximum time the action is allowed to run. Avaliable for command and binary actions.No-
on_errorThe action to be executed if an error occurs.Nocontinue
parallelThis action will run in the background. The next action will be executed immediately. If the workflow finishes, the collector will wait for the parallel actions to finish before creating the report. Available for command, binary and terminal actions.Nofalse

Error Handling

The on_error property defines what should happen if an error occurs during the execution of an action. An action is considered to have failed if:

  • A childprocess returns a non-zero exit code.
  • A timeout occurs.
  • An error occurs during the execution of the action.

The following options are available:

  • continue: Continue with the next action. This is the default behavior.
  • abort: Stop the workflow and do not execute any further actions. This will wait for all parallel actions to finish before creating the report.
  • goto: Jump to a specific action. The action must be defined in the workflow. This is useful if you want to skip actions that are not necessary in case of an error.


  - action: 1
    on_error: continue
  - action: 2
      goto: 4
  - action: 3
    on_error: abort
  - action: 4


    enabled: false
      enabled: false
      public_key: "example_public.pem"
      algorithm: CHACHA20-POLY1305
      enabled: true
      size_limit: 100 MB
    mac_times: true
    checksums: true
    paths: true


enabledSpecifies whether the zip archive creation is enabled.Notrue
encryptionConfiguration for encrypting the zip archive. Contains the fields: enabled, public_key, and algorithm.NoSee ReportingEncryption Defaults
compressionConfiguration for compressing the zip archive. Contains the fields: enabled and size_limit.NoSee ReportingCompression Defaults


enabledSpecifies whether encryption is enabled for the zip archive.Nofalse
public_keyThe path to the public key file used for encryption. Relative to the keys directoryYes (if enabled is true)-
algorithmThe encryption algorithm to be used. Available values: AES-128-GCM, CHACHA20-POLY1305, None.NoNone


enabledSpecifies whether compression is enabled for the zip archive.Nofalse
size_limitThe maximum size limit for specific files to be compressed. If a file exceeds this limit, it will only be stored inside the archive without compression.No100 MB


mac_timesSpecifies whether the MAC times (Modified, Accessed, Created) should be recorded in the metadata.csv for stored files (using store or yara actions).Nofalse
checksumsSpecifies whether checksums should be calculated and included in the report.Nofalse
pathsSpecifies whether the original file paths should be recorded in the metadata.csv for stored files (using store or yara actions).Nofalse


The collector replaced all ${VAR_NAME} variables with the actual values during the execution.

You can use variables in the following places:

  1. All string values (including lists) in the actions section
  2. All string values in the custom_command section of the launch_conditions section


  - name: memory_dump
    type: binary
      path: "winpmem_mini_${ARCH}.exe"
      args: ["${LOOT_DIR}\\${DEVICE_NAME}.dmp"]

Available Variables

Variable NameDescriptionExample
BASE_PATHThe base path where the application stores its data.E:/collector/
DEVICE_NAMEThe name of the device.DESKTOP-1234
USER_HOMEThe path to the user's home directory.C:/Users/JohnDoe
USER_NAMEThe name of the user.JohnDoe
LOOT_DIRThe path to the loot directory.E:/collector/reports/[NAME]/loot_files/
CUSTOM_FILES_DIRThe path to the custom files directory.E:/collector/custom_files/
OSThe operating
ARCHThe architecture.x86_64



  title: "Windows Example"
  description: "This is an example configuration file for Windows"
  author: "John Doe"
  version: "1.0"

  os: ["windows"]
  enabled: true
  arch: ["x86", "x86_64"]
  is_elevated: true

  - name: disable_network
    type: command
      cmd: "cmd"
      args: ["/c", "${CUSTOM_FILES_DIR}\\disable_network.bat"]
      log_to_file: true

  - name: memory_dump
    type: binary
      path: "winpmem_mini_${ARCH}.exe"
      args: ["${LOOT_DIR}\\${DEVICE_NAME}.dmp"]
      log_to_file: true

  - name: clipboard
    type: command
      cmd: "powershell"
      args: ["-c", "Get-Clipboard"]
      log_to_file: true

  - name: disk_image
    type: binary
      path: "ftk/FTK Imager.exe"
      log_to_file: true

  - name: registry_dump
    type: command
      cmd: "cmd"
      args: ["/c", "reg save HKLM\\SYSTEM ${LOOT_DIR}\\registry_dump.reg"]
      log_to_file: true

  - name: event_log
    type: command
      cmd: "powershell"
      args: ["-c", "wevtutil epl System ${LOOT_DIR}\\system.evtx"]
      log_to_file: true

  - name: browser
    type: store
      case_sensitive: false
      patterns: |
        ${USER_HOME}/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/User Data/Default/History
      size_limit: 5 GB

  - action: disable_network
  - action: memory_dump
  - action: clipboard
  - action: disk_image
  - action: registry_dump
  - action: event_log
  - action: browser

    enabled: false
      enabled: false
      public_key: "example_public.pem"
      algorithm: CHACHA20-POLY1305
      enabled: true
      size_limit: 100 MB
    mac_times: true
    checksums: true
    paths: true


  title: "Linux Example"
  description: "This is an example configuration file for Linux"
  author: "John Doe"
  version: "1.0"

  os: ["linux"]
  enabled: true
  arch: ["x86", "x86_64"]
  is_elevated: true

  - name: disable_network
    type: command
      cmd: "sh"
      args: ["-c", "ip link set $(ip route get | awk '{print $5; exit}') down"]
      log_to_file: true

  - name: memory_dump
    type: binary
      path: "dumpitforlinux"
      args: ["-v", "${LOOT_DIR}/${DEVICE_NAME}.dmp"]
      log_to_file: true

  - name: activities
    type: command
      cmd: "sh"
      args: ["-c", "ps aux > ${LOOT_DIR}/processes.txt && netstat -tulnp > ${LOOT_DIR}/network_connections.txt && lsof > ${LOOT_DIR}/open_files.txt"]
      log_to_file: true

  - name: disk_image
    type: command
      cmd: "sh"
      args: ["-c", "${CUSTOM_FILES_DIR}/dc3dd if=$(df / | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}') of=${LOOT_DIR}/root_partition.img"]
      log_to_file: true

  - name: browser
    type: store
      case_sensitive: false
      patterns: |
      size_limit: 5 GB

  - action: disable_network
  - action: memory_dump
  - action: activities
  - action: disk_image
  - action: browser

    enabled: false
      enabled: false
      public_key: "example_public.pem"
      algorithm: CHACHA20-POLY1305
      enabled: true
      size_limit: 100 MB
    mac_times: true
    checksums: true
    paths: true


  title: "macOS Example"
  description: "This is an example configuration file for macOS"
  author: "John Doe"
  version: "1.0"

  os: ["macos"]
  enabled: true
  arch: ["x86", "x86_64", "aarch64", "arm"]
  is_elevated: true

  - name: disable_network
    type: command
      cmd: "sh"
      args: ["-c", "networksetup -setairportpower en0 off"]
      log_to_file: true

  - name: activities
    type: command
      cmd: "sh"
      args: ["-c", "ps -e > ${LOOT_DIR}/processes.txt && lsof -i > ${LOOT_DIR}/open_files.txt"]
      log_to_file: true

  - name: disk_image
    type: command
      cmd: "sh"
      args: ["-c", "hdiutil create -srcdevice $(df / | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}') -format UDRW ${LOOT_DIR}/disk_image.dmg"]
      log_to_file: true

  - name: email_chat
    type: store
      case_sensitive: false
      patterns: |
      size_limit: 5 GB

  - name: browser
    type: store
      case_sensitive: false
      patterns: |
        /Users/*/Library/Application Support/Google/Chrome/Default/History
      size_limit: 5 GB

  - action: disable_network
  - action: activities
  - action: disk_image
  - action: email_chat
  - action: browser

    enabled: false
      enabled: false
      public_key: "example_public.pem"
      algorithm: CHACHA20-POLY1305
      enabled: true
      size_limit: 100 MB
    mac_times: true
    checksums: true
    paths: true